Type of mental health disorders

Anxiety disorder

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are
the most common mental illness. People with these conditions have severe fear or anxiety
related to certain objects or situations. Most people with an anxiety disorder try to avoid
exposure to whatever triggers their anxiety. Below are some examples of anxiety disorders.
*Generalized anxiety disorder*
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) involves excessive worry or fear that
disrupts everyday living.
People may also experience physical symptoms, including:
*Poor concentration
*Tense muscles
*Interrupted sleep
A bout of anxiety symptoms does not necessarily need a specific trigger in people with
They may experience excessive anxiety when encountering everyday situations that do not
pose a direct danger, such as chores or appointments. A person with GAD may
sometimes feel anxiety with no trigger at all.
*Panic disorder*
People with a panic disorder experience regular panic attacks involving sudden,
overwhelming terror or a sense of imminent disaster and death.
There are different types of phobia:
*Simple phobias: These may involve a disproportionate fear of specific objects,
scenarios, or animals. A fear of spiders is a typical example.
*Social phobia: Sometimes known as social anxiety, this is a fear of being subject to the
judgment of others. People with social phobia often restrict their exposure
to social environments.
*Agoraphobia: This term refers to a fear of situations where getting away may be
difficult, such as being in an elevator or a moving train. Many people misunderstand this
phobia as the fear of being outside. Phobias are deeply personal, and doctors do not know
every type. There could be thousands of phobias, and what may seem unusual to one
person can be a severe problem that dominates daily life for another.


People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have obsessions and compulsions.
In other words, they experience constant, stressful thoughts and a powerful urge to
perform repetitive acts, such as handwashing.
PTSD can occur after a person experiences or witnesses an intensely stressful or traumatic
event. During this type of event, the person thinks that their life or other people’s lives are
in danger. They may feel afraid or that they have no control over what is happening.
These sensations of
trauma and fear may then contribute to PTSD.
Schizophrenia disorders The term schizophrenia often refers to a spectrum of disorders characterized by psychotic
features and other severe symptoms. These are highly complex conditions. According to
the NIMH, signs of schizophrenia typically develop between the ages of 16 and 30. The
individual will have thoughts that appear fragmented and may also find it hard to
process information. Schizophrenia has negative and positive symptoms.
Positive symptoms include delusions, thought
disorders, and hallucinations, while withdrawal, lack of motivation, and a flat or
inappropriate mood are examples of negative symptoms.
If you feel or notice that something is wrong with, you or you have
the same symptoms above, we recommend you to
sign up for a consultation
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