During times of stress and uncertainty, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and neglect
the healthy routines we’ve established. But looking after yourself is always important.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will look after your body as well as
your mind, making you much better equipped to deal with the
stresses and strains of everyday life.There are many ways you
can look after yourself properly.
We share some top tips to be healthy below:

1.Eat a healthy balanced food

What is a healthy lifestyle? So much of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
is about having a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Eating well is one of the best ways to look after your health. Many people
underestimate the importance of a healthy diet, but proper nutrition can
improve everything, from your energy levels to your mental health. It is
clinically proven that eating junk food regularly can impact your body
and mind, increasing the likelihood of depression and anxiety.
Healthy eating is also crucial to the health of your immune system.
Try to make healthy choices wherever possible, eat lots of fruits and
vegetables and don’t eat mindlessly.
Your body and mind will thank you for it.
Scroll down to find our top tips on eating healthily.

2.Have regular meals
Skipping breakfast or lunch can really affect your ability to
concentrate and work productively, as can replacing your
breakfast with countless cups of coffee. You may find yourself
getting headaches or feeling very sluggish. Most of our routines
have been disrupted by the crisis, meal times included, but do
try to stick to regular times and take a proper break for lunch
whenever possible. Eating at irregular times and wolfing down
your food has been shown to upset your gut (digestive system)
, which can affect the health of your whole body – not to mention
upsetting your stomach.
3.Stay hydrated Drinking enough water is a crucial part of healthy living.
Studies show that drinking enough water can help you lose
weight, think more clearly, and avoid stress, among many
other benefits. The government recommends drinking six
to eight glasses of fluids every day. Although people often
talk about water, most non-alcoholic drinks count. So, if
you’re not a fan of water, stay hydrated with tea, coffee
and other low-sugar drinks. It’s important to remember
that fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies, though they
do contain nutrients, are also high in sugar. You should
only drink around 150ml of these a day. If you really miss
your sweet drinks, try sugar-free squash.
4.Don't rely on comfort food,alcohol,cigarettes and the like to relieve stress If stress makes you turn towards salty and fatty foods
or causes you to overeat, you’re not alone. Similarly,
many of us try to manage our anxiety with alcohol or
cigarettes. These things may all offer temporary relief,
but in the long term they’ll make you feel worse. Don’t
deprive yourself completely, but try to stick to healthy
choices most of the time. Many people find that the 80/20
approach, which involves making healthy choices 80%
of the time, is an attainable way to do this.
How To Maintain Healthy LifeStyle
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