5.Keep active wherever possible

Regular exercise will make you feel so much better
and is crucial to staying healthy. And it’s still ,
possible to exercise indoors, however small your living
space. Try online classes or video workouts, many of ,
which are available for free. There are lots available
that have been designed specially for people to do in their
living rooms without any equipment. Experiment until
you find one that works for you. We are now allowed outside
to exercise as much as we like, so make the most of it with,
a brisk walk or even a run. Just be careful to stay two metres
away from everyone you see. An hour of moderate exercise,
three times a week could make a huge difference to your fitness
levels. Easy ways to stay active without leaving your house

6.Sleep well

Sleep is often one of the first things to suffer when our
routines change. Try your best to keep to regular
sleep hours and to ensure you’re still getting 7-9 hours
a night. Getting enough sleep improves your overall
health and protects your mental wellbeing. Studies
have shown that sleeping well can make you happier,
improve your memory, improve your physical fitness
and help you maintain a healthy weight. A good night’s,
sleep can also boost your immune system.

7.Don't be too hard on yourself
Sometimes you’ll have bad days, you’ll feel rubbish or
you’ll make unhealthy choices. It’s not the end of the world.
Nobody’s perfect, and change doesn’t happen overnight.
This is a really difficult time for everyone, so try to go easy
on yourself. There’s no right way to respond to it and no doubt
other people are feeling the same way as you. However, if you’re
really struggling then you should talk to someone. If you
don't have close friends or family members to reach out to during
this time, find people you can talk to by looking for forums,
online help groups, or others who want to connect. If you think you
need professional help, don’t let the situation stop you from
reaching out. Many mental health specialists have adapted to
offer counselling remotely.
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